
2023年 Google SEO趋势的五大预测





询盘是所有外贸人都最希望能解决的最大问题,所以你觉得这件事做起来是容易还是有些难度呢?肯定不会是很容易的。 而且就目前谷歌算法的核心和更新速度来说,高质量内容的重要性越发明显,所有人都己经意识到了这一点,执行力好的人己经取得了一定的效果。

根据多年经验,内容是大部分用户的核心痛点,别说是高质量软文了,就算是网站的建站资料很多小伙伴都很难提供高质量的。 所以问题来了,既然内容尤其是软文这么难搞,有什么解决办法?

  1. 通过自学内容营销的一些知识 加上自己对产品和行业的专业度,逐步输出高质量的内容
  2. 直接外包 比如外包平台有很多 如fiverr upwork等,我们主要介绍推荐upwork.

Ps: 不是说只要外包了软文网站的SEO就一定能做好,网站询盘就能马上增加。软文外包这个环节并没有那么简单,找到一个很适合自己的写手并不是一件容易的事情,甚至有些时候你还要对写手进行一定的培训。



  1. 你先必须学会软文营销的逻辑 才能谈的上找写手. 那软文营销的逻辑都是些什么呢?


看这篇文章https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/651763035 外贸独立站Google SEO之软文营销实战技巧

  1. 注册upwork帐号
    upwork帐号现在对于国内用户不太友好,常常遇到无法通过的情况,建议使用美节vpn 节点的全局模式,chrome浏览器使用 无痕英文模式,注册邮箱用gmail或者企业邮箱不要用QQ邮箱.
    upwork帐号分为basic 和plus版本. 免费的够用了,收费的是一个月 50美金. 3%的手续费.


3.发布第一个工作 :(要先尽量把要求写高一些,要不然来一堆写手浪费自己的处理时间)

核心:把需求一定要写清楚,比如你是做什么行业的,产品是什么,关键词是什么,你的竞争对手是谁发网址,告诉写手 你要有写过这个行业的经验,并且把案例发给你,没经验的请不要回复。告诉写手你的整体计划是写100-200篇文章,任何你可以让写手先帮你做调研,能写哪些方向的文章,当然第一份工作是要付费的,但是你要告诉写手 这个费用只是这一次的费用,如果合适你会把剩下的工作都交给他来做。



Hi, my name is Sunny.

I need a long term writer for my project.

I am the founder of xxx in China we have a lot of content to write.

Most of the articles will be about xxx, we are a professional xxx manufacturer in China. Ifyou can handle this work, at least I can give you 30 articles every month.

You need to have experience in article writing, Google research, fast learning skills

Below are what article I need:

1.Use Second person “You” for all of your sentence

2.Your sentence must be short, get to the point and easy to understand

3.Short paragraph( not more than 4 lines for every paragraph)

4.your article intro must be short and get to the point5.

5.Your sentence must use active voice

Here is an example you can take reference www.xxx.com/blog/xxxx

If you think you can satisfy this need please send me 3 writing examples Also give meyour cost very 1000 words (Take care, proposals WITHOUT examples will be ignored).


看邀请之后的回复内容, 首先看回复内容是否有自己的名字, 回复的内空是否是针对我的要求回复的,并不是那种模板的样式, 不满足的直接给他排除掉先。因为工作态度不行。

  1. 看他发的案例写的东西质量怎么样,要仔细逐行读一读。


  1. 句子简单易懂,没有一个简短的句子,各种介词,连词,句子读不懂,
  2. 有没有用第二人称 口语化
  3. 多用主动语态,少用被动语态
  4. 文案是不是全部堆在一起,没有读下去的欲望,要有清晰的逻辑结构
  5. 文案有层次感,标题归标题,描述归描述
  6. 文案有没有把问题点讲清楚。
  7. 写手沟通SOP
  8. 询问1000字的价格
    what is your rate per 1000 words?
  9. 询问是否愿意测试
    Do you willing go make a small 200 words testing work?
  10. 挑选一个部量让写手写答案
    What is the differentce between acrylic and glass

“take care,this is not a whole article ,you just need to write the right answer based on the question,no need to write any intro and conclusion,just give the best answer to the question.NO Wasted words.But need to based on my guideline in my job description.

  1. 如何顾拥你的第一个写手?

Hire –Fixed price, 整体预算一定要改.

Hi xxx Your first work heading is : xxx-the Ultimate FAQ Guide,But before you start working ease read the PDF file 3 more times,You will understand what i need. I teach you on how to write the the FAQ guide very in depth .

First please only collect a related questions and send t o m do not start writing before l approve

take care . the $30 is just for you to start the work , do not mean I only need 1000 words for this guide . We will count money after you finish the first FAQ Guide

Pleases Read Below message very carefully , this is very important for me to decide if I need to give you more work in future.

1 . Please read the PDF I sent you 3 times or more , It is very important guideline for out work

2 . We only to write FAQ Guide format article. You just need to collect all possible questions based on the topic. Then answer each questions. Your answer must be short and get to the point. No WASTED words.

3 work keyword is : xxxxxxxxxx

4.please collect all possible questions about this topic xxxxxxxxxxx.Your article heading is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- THE Complete FAQ Guide.

In The PDF file , you will learn a lot ways collect question. So please start collecting questions , and then send to me for approve , do not start writing now.

Xxxxx , I have hired you for the work , and first we need to make a real testing work , I just create a $30 to start the testing work .Pleases Read Below carefully . this is very important for me to decide if I need to give you more work in future.

1 . Please read the PDF I sent you 3 times or more . It is very important guideline for out work.

2.We only to write FAQ Guide format articles . You just need to questions based on the topic . then answer each question,your answer must be short , and get to the point , NO WASTED words.

3. Your first work keyword is : xxxxxxxxxxx.

4.please collect all possible questions about this topic:xxxxxxxxxxx. Your article heading is xxxxxx – The Complete FAQ Guide.


Hi xxx , the questions is not bad , but not very comprehensive , please digmore into this topic , actually I give you many ways to search topic andtions inthe pdf file guide . Please read again and work more time


Hi xxx , nice job . I also put some questions in your list . please add on .Also please start answer the first questions you list , takemust aet to the point , NO WASTED words , just give readers the best answer will be fine.

Also Please check my guideline about the content,like always use second person, short and easy sentence,insert related images,link,and videos,separate your image and content in different folder etc.

Last One: Please write a short intro around 50 words for our article.Here is an example you can take reference.

  1. 如何后续跟写手沟通以及培训更多的写手
  2. 如何查看写手是否抄袭?
    copyleaks.com 上查(具体怎么用上google 搜索一下就有了)
  3. 如何判断写手写的文案是否合格?

实际上最简单的办法就是你把自己当成一个潜在客户 你认真读一下 觉得这篇文章怎么样?或者你拿来跟竞争对手的blog对比一下 你心理就有数了。




12.内容营销可以看看这个博客,Grammarly.com/blog 提高写作技巧。

13. 不要去要别人己经合作的写手
经常会有人说 找写手非常的麻烦,有很多的沟通成本。你不是己经有现成的不错的写手吗?直接分享给我 不就可以了嘛。 我的回答是:不行。

A. 写手是我付出时间和money培养出来的,凭什么白白就分享给你。

B. 如果我把写手分享给很多人,那写手还有足够的时间处理我的订单呢.

C. 万一你是我的竞争对手 我岂不是搬起石头砸自己的脚。



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